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Zalto Gravitas Omega 2 Pack

$197.00 Unit price
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Zalto Gravitas Omega 2 Pack
Zalto Gravitas Omega 2 Pack
Producer Zalto Glas
Region Austria
Product Code GW-37

Two Pack. In simple terms this is Zalto’s Burgundy glass with no base. Instead you have a sphere at the base of the stem and the glass rests on a small flattened area on the side. It was Vue de monde’s Shannon Bennett who alerted us to this stem’s existence. After encountering the Gravitas Omega in Europe, Shannon asked us to order some in for his restaurant. There is obviously something theatrical about the design. This then is for show, or for the person who already has all the other shapes!

Zalto Gravitas Omega 2 Pack
Zalto Gravitas Omega 2 Pack

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