Today, we offer our last tranche of Defaix’s outstanding 2022 wines from Chablis and Rully, plus the latest Chablis arrivals from 2023. There were a lot of happy faces in Chablis when we visited late last year. 2022 had proved a perfect antidote to the difficult 2021 vintage, and growers had their largest crop for aeons in 2023. Volumes were so generous that people told stories of fruit falling off the back of trucks as they made their way to the winery, dousing the streets of Chablis with grapes and juice! After several years of low yields, we found full barrels stacked high in every cellar—even among quality growers who work with reasonable yields. Perhaps there will even be enough wine to mitigate a devastatingly small 2024 harvest in which many Chablis growers lost 50%, or more, of their potential yields. Fortunately, the quality of the best wines is seriously good, too. Sylvain Defaix’s team pruned their vines as hard as usual, and this is one domaine that did not make more wine in 2023 than they did the previous vintage. The results look terrific: juicy and bright, with pleasing density and cool fruitiness. Didier Defaix describes the style of his wines as a blend of 2021 and 2022, which can only be positive. In general, expect a more open and accessible year than the previous year, but not at the expense of genuine, mouth-watering Chablis backbone and character. Further south in Rully, the picture looks just as good. The Defaixs organically farm 6.5 hectares in this under-the-radar appellation in Burgundy’s south and produced a finessed, finely sculpted set of wines from 2022. Tasting with Hélène Defaix earlier this year, we were reminded just how well they have turned out—outstanding in both colours—and how bright and racy the wines are. In fact, Didier Defaix places 2022 in the top three vintages of the last 10 years… You can take that to the bank.